Why is the ORFC so successful?


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One of the co-founders of the annual Oxford Real Farming Conference, Colin Tudge, reflects on its phenomenal growth and impact since its tentative launch in January 2010. Does the obvious success of the ORFC reflect a global mindshift? Is this a much-needed “green shoot”?

Even if the ORFC folded tomorrow (which heaven forfend!) it will still have been a landmark in the history of agriculture. It has helped – is helping — significantly to re-democratise humanity’s most important endeavour, which was and is in serious danger of being reduced, like everything else, to just another exercise in the pursuit of material wealth. So why has the ORFC worked as well as it has — and still is working, and seems set fair to continue far into the future? 

In the beginning

The idea of the ORFC came from the agricultural journalist, author, and erstwhile scriptwriter for The Archers, Graham Harvey, in 2009. He saw that the well-established and much publicised Oxford Farming Conference, the OFC, simply did not provide an accurate picture of the state of Britain’s agriculture, and still less of the world’s agriculture or the general state of the world. The OFC was in reality a showcase for the government and the corporates to promote their own thoughts on how agriculture should be run, and by whom. The prevailing thought was (and is) that “agriculture is just a business like any other”; and within the prevailing framework of the neoliberal economy, business has been re-conceived, not as the necessary and heterogeneous underpinning of a modern democracy but simply and single-mindedly as a means to maximise wealth and to concentrate that wealth in fewer and fewer hands (although the concentration of wealth is not generally emphasised, at least in public). The OFC, and indeed the government, has modified this attitude somewhat of late, and is wont to stress the role of agriculture in protecting and even enhancing “the environment”, which is the favoured term for the natural world. Even so, successive governments of both hues have made it clear that money must take the lead or at least be the final arbiter — that nothing can be promoted that does not return a profit, and preferably a maximum profit, and preferably immediately. This hard-line materialism was and is said to be “realistic”, the only plausible line to take. 

Graham saw the short-sightedness of all this. He also saw that farms run on agroecological lines – treating all farms as ecosystems, as one farmer has put the matter – could also be profitable, even in the present hostile economic environment, and would also bring enormous social benefits. He and I had worked together briefly on Farmer’s Weekly in the early 1970s and had stayed loosely in touch, and I and my wife Ruth (nee West) were living in Oxford, and he asked us if we would care to help him launch an alternative – not to say an antidote — to the OFC. So in 2009 (I think in Exeter if memory serves: Graham is Devon-based) he and I and Ruth met to mull over the idea over coffee. I had already written books in which I coined the expression “Enlightened Agriculture”, which combined the ideas of Agroecology and Food Sovereignty (every society should have control of its own food supply). But others felt that “Enlightened Agriculture” had too many syllables so we shortened it to “Real Farming”. And so our proposed alternative conference became the ORFC. 

So Graham and Ruth between them, with excellent help from a lot of other people, some of whom Graham knew and some that Ruth and I knew, convened the ORFC on a bleak snow-bound afternoon in January 2010 – timed to coincide with the OFC. It attracted about 80 farmers and other interested parties, packed damply into a mediaeval library in Oxford (where there is no shortage of mediaeval libraries), with an overflow into an organic café conveniently sited downstairs. It was a memorable meeting with seriously excellent speakers including some of the leading agricultural thinkers of our times (some of whom alas have now passed on). Tim Bearder made a film of the proceedings which can still be viewed here. Well worth it! 

At first, as is the way of things, ORFC was seen in established circles simply to be an upstart: maverick and mildly irritating but fairly harmless. Since then, however, ORFC has grown and grown and now attracts around 2000 delegates in situ in Oxford in the magnificent, municipal neo-Baroque town hall, and seven other venues, with thousands more from all around the world tuning in online. (The OFC meanwhile is stuck on around 450 in person. Just for the record.) In short, the ORFC is now a force to be reckoned with. It is probably the world’s biggest and most diverse gathering of farmers and growers and other interested parties from among the many millions of people the world over who see the flaws in the status quo, and who want the world to be different, and see the central importance of agriculture (it’s not just a business like any other), and want to put it to rights, and have a much better idea of what needs to be done than most of the people who are now in charge of it.  

Graham, Ruth, and I are seen as the co-founders of ORFC. In truth it was Graham’s initiative, and although scores of excellent people have helped, Ruth more than anyone has held the whole thing together and overseen its continuing development and expansion over the past 15 years. I have been content just to feed in some thoughts – the main one of which is as follows:  

The big idea 

I take it to be more or less self-evident that agriculture is by far the most important thing that human beings do. It supplies most of our food, occupies most of the world’s most fertile land, is the biggest single consumer of the    world’s fresh water, and is the world’s biggest employer. At its best, farming also provides vast numbers of people with agreeable and sustainable ways of life, or certainly has the potential to do so; and although agriculture is bound to have a negative effect on the living world (the biosphere) it can certainly be a great deal more wildlife-friendly than it is at present and can enhance the fortunes at least of some wild species. With appropriate agriculture (meaning real farming) human beings really could live agreeably and in great numbers in harmony at least with the majority of our fellow creatures for aeons to some. As things are, however, agriculture worldwide, increasingly money-oriented and corporatised, is a prime cause of global warming and of mass extinction, and is the direct cause of much human misery, inequality, stress, and privation. For good measure, according to the United Nations, it leaves a billion people chronically undernourished or ill-nourished, while another two billion are in some respects over-nourished or otherwise nutritionally compromised. 

For all these reasons therefore, agriculture is right at the heart of all the world’s affairs, the thing we absolutely have to get right. And yet, in practice, to a large extent, it is the thing we are getting most wrong. It is at the root, or thereabouts, of all the world’s ills. Farming should be a prime concern or indeed the prime concern of governments the world over but at least in countries like Britain it is low in the political pecking order, and in particular of course ranks well below the Treasury. 

Many excellent institutions and individuals are developing the kinds of ideas and methods that could provide humanity with all the good food we need without wrecking traditional and agreeable ways of living and without wrecking the natural world. But in this tightly integrated world, where everything is related to everything else, nothing can be put to rights ad hoc. We cannot put agriculture to rights, and make agroecology and food sovereignty the norm, unless we put everything else to rights as well. We need different farming techniques and different technologies. In the end Enlightened Agriculture must be, primarily, an extended exercise in organic farming and in permaculture. All this requires plenty of hands-on tender-loving care, which means plenty of skilled farmers and growers; low to zero inputs of agrochemistry; which means there are few or no advantages in scale-up, so re-creation of small to medium-sized, preferably mixed farms and small holdings; pasture feeding as opposed to custom-grown crops; and so on. Real farming may make use of the highest of high technologies when this is appropriate – absolutely not is this a gratuitous exercise in nostalgia. But agriculture overall should be seen as a craft, or a family of crafts; and real farming might reasonably be classed as “science-assisted craft”. 

All this is virtually the diametric opposite of the kind of “Neoliberal-Industrial” agriculture that is now beginning to prevail, which is designed primarily to maximise short-term wealth, an exercise at its worst in al fresco industrial chemistry, with minimum to zero labour, on the largest possible scale. 

Farmers worldwide have been and are encouraged to adapt to the demands of the prevailing economy – in other words, as the hugely influential erstwhile US agricultural adviser Earl Butz put the matter, “Get big or get out!”. In practice of course this means that most must get out, as they continue to do in vast numbers, not least in Britain, which sees itself and is seen to be among the most progressive of all the world’s states.  Most are then obliged to seek their fortunes in the city, if there is one, or eke out their lives in the favelas. Many, alas, are driven to suicide. All in all, neoliberal-industrial agriculture is doing immense damage, ecologically and socially, and is clearly not sustainable. To promote NI uncritically seems grossly irresponsible. Enlightened Agriculture (Real Farming) surely could do what the world needs – but it cannot become the norm within the present, neoliberal economy, which renders the things we need to do unprofitable and therefore, in the eyes of our leaders, “unrealistic”.  Yet the obvious horrors that seem to lie in store for us if we continue on the present track with the present mindset — the (neoliberal) economy and the ideology that goes with it — is given priority. It seems indeed that humanity is embarked on a strategy of suicide, and taking much or most of the natural world with it – and all for the sake of an ideology, and one that is so obviously crude. Daft or what? 

However: we cannot put the economy to rights unless we have a government, or a system of governance, that sees the need to change and has some idea of what we need to change to. And we will never install such a government unless we have a change of mindset, and re-define our priorities, and explore the reasons why this is necessary. 

Thus it seems that to put the world to rights we need to put agriculture to rights – but that we cannot put agriculture to rights unless simultaneously we put the infrastructure of the world to rights; and to do that we need to change the Zeitgeist; and to do that we need to approach our problems at all levels: technical, economic, political, legal, scientific, moral, and indeed metaphysical (a term that includes “spiritual”). 

In short, though without losing focus, a conference that truly aspires to provide the kind of farming that really would make the world a better and more secure place, must attack the issues on the broadest possible front. 

And that, I suggest, is what the ORFC aspires to do. The thinking behind the agenda is not always formally spelled out, but the vast majority of the participants get the point anyway. This is what makes the ORFC so special. Overall, the day-to-day practicalities of life are seen to depend on a sympathetic economic and political infrastructure, and the infrastructure is seen to derive from the deepest moral, scientific, and metaphysical roots (given that all big ideas are rooted in ideas of a metaphysical nature). 

Yet the content of the sessions is not the only reason for the ORFC’s success. It is also a significant social event, with all that that connotes. 

“A good way to start the year” 

The ORFC is held in early January to coincide with the OFC – and both are held when they are because early January at least for a lot of farmers and growers is a relatively quiet time of year. It is packed with good ideas which makes it worth going to – but it is also very sociable and upbeat – very convivial. And so, as many a delegate has commented, it helps to get the New Year off to a good start.

The convivial tone of the ORFC derives in large part from the way it is conceived and organised – which is largely the inspiration of Ruth. For she felt it should be modelled in the manner of the Edinburgh Fringe. The subject matter is decided not by some power-group seeking to promote its own interests. Rather, the subjects are proposed and the sessions are run by the delegates themselves. Yet the ORFC is not a free-for all. The underlying philosophy is clear and consistent: to develop and share the ideas and experiences of farming of a kind that is rooted in the principles of agroecology and food sovereignty. 

Importantly, too, the speakers and session organisers are not paid to take part. Indeed, all the speakers and session organisers must buy a ticket to the conference, like everyone else. So no-one is encouraged simply to drop in and say their piece and then clear off. Of course, everyone is free to come and go as they choose (we don’t issue asbos) but all are encouraged to stay for the whole thing, and contribute to the whole conversation, and partake of the conviviality. The ORFC organisers do accept and to a significant extent depend on sponsorship (not least to ensure that ticket prices are as low as possible – and would-be participants with no funds of their own may be subsidised, sometimes in toto). But the sponsors are all friends of the conference, very much in tune with the philosophy. Absolutely not does the ORFC accept corporate sponsorship. (Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.)  

The resulting atmosphere is wonderfully uplifting. Although the delegates including those on-line come from all over the world, there is a great sense not simply of common, constructive purpose but of family; of oneness.And that is what is really needed to make the world a better and more secure place.  

Where do we go from here? 

The trouble, of course, is that the ORFC lasts only two days (plus the odd add-on) and then everyone must return home to battle with the problems of growing good food in an uncertain climate and within an essentially hostile economy. What’s needed, I suggest, is to continue the social buzz and the intellectual excitement of the ORFC throughout the year, and to continue to develop the necessary ideas and forge the alliances and friendships. To some extent this is happening: several times a year the Real Farming Trust (which has become the parent body of the ORFC) runs a residential meeting on a farm under the general heading of “ORFC-in-the-Field”. Each held for around 70 people, they allow exploration of an area of agroecological farming in greater depth than the conference permits.

But there is much more that could and surely should be done. It was for a long time my dream to establish what I wanted to call “The College for Enlightened Agriculture”. Alas, this idea at least as originally conceived has died a death or at least has petered out, at least for the time being – but Ruth and I endeavour to keep the spirit of it alive with this website (www.colintudge.com). The website follows the structure and builds on the ideas of my book, The Great Re-Think, published in 2021, which attempts to do what surely needs to be done – which is to show an apparently forgetful world just how important farming really is, and why it must be rooted in and guided by the ideas of agroecology and food sovereignty, which is to say of “Real Farming”; but also to show that we can never make real farming the norm unless we re-design the economic and political framework in which we are all obliged to operate, and re-think the underlying mindset. 

Nowadays, however, the word “College” is commonly taken to mean a place, a building where people go to learn things from people who know more than they do. But that is not the original meaning. A college properly conceived is not real estate but is more like a forum in which like-minded people can exchange ideas. Websites can achieve a great deal of what’s required. The best ones are platforms for lively and informative exchanges on all kinds of topics (the upside of IT). If our own website could achieve this it would be most pleasing — and would indeed help to ensure that the spirit of ORFC is felt throughout the year. 

Yet that of course should not be seen as the endpoint. The grand ambition is to help shift the Zeitgeist and create an infrastructure and encourage a mindset in which agroecology is accepted as the norm.  To achieve such a world we need nothing less than a global Renaissance, led by people at large. The chances of success are remote but the prize is very great and the price of failure is catastrophic – and alas the catastrophe is already well in train. The ORFC cannot alone bring about the Renaissance but it can surely make a difference. 

(Please write to the website address if you would like to be added to the contact list. These are early days but you never know where these things might lead). 

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5 responses to “Why is the ORFC so successful?”

  1. Iain Climie avatar
    Iain Climie

    Some years ago I wrote an article for World Agriculture magazine on food security although they eventually felt it was too close to Colin’s views (he was kind enough not to be displeased). During the bickering and rewrites the deputy editor said to me “Of course we can’t feed the world with organic…”. Then somebody pointed me to Gabe Brown in North Dakota (whose regenerative methods are basically organic and 20 to 25% more productive than the usual efforts nearby as well as more profitable). The IMeche’s 2013 report on food waste flagged the obscene amounts of food produced but which never get to shops or markets and I read Colin’s own The Great Rethink and the early estimates on food production in Ch 1 – the world produces huge amounts of food (and could produce more e.g. growing fewer cash crops and not using human food for biofuels or cattle feed, for example) so the panic here is not totally necessary. I accept of course that climate change or even that new asteroid (2024 4YR isn’t it?) might ruin things along with a VEI 7 eruption like Tambora’s in 1815 but it is all too easy to boost production on paper.

    I pointed out some possibilities here (https://climatecoalition.org/future-food-security-must-focus-on-supplies/) along with the various reasons why they can fail e.g. lack of defined responsibility for food security. Grenfell Tower shows that if responsibility for a key task is not nailed down, it will be done late, baddly or not at all. So who is responsible for food security at local, national, area (e.g. Western Europe) or global levels? I suspect the answer (apart from “somebody else”) is nobody at present and that cannot be permitted if my views above are correct. Against that, who fancies the job, bill or even blame for sorting out the current mess. I like Colin’s idea of a people’s takeover of the food system (even including my massively expanded vegetable patch) but ultra low cost, convenience and choice seem to be the mantras of the neoliberal approach, along with over-processed muck. Ok I can be hypocritical about cheap pizza here but these attitudes will be difficult to overcome. Complacency on food security is rife but could easily swing to panic if signs of disruption occurred. A saner approach which also boosts public confidence strikes me as important. Feel free to throw stones!

  2. Richard Bergson avatar
    Richard Bergson

    Alas, I am no farmer but I do very much agree with your view on the world. The nearest I get to it is helping to run a growing project in the community. We get funding to run a course on growing from seed referred through GP social prescribing and attract volunteers to help grow heritage varieties of fruit, veg and wildflowers which are either sold or given away.

    We are just re-establishing ourselves having been forced to leave a lovely walled garden so it will be a while before we are up and running again however we shall have more freedom on our new site which we share with our hosts who are very much in tune with the regenerative approach.

    More a thinker than a doer these days but I follow your blog with interest and hope.

  3. Joel avatar

    My understanding is that La Via Campasina are one of the largest civil organisations in the world, and indeed that the majority of the worlds food is still grown by small farms – just not here in global north. I think we can operate small experiments in the local agrarian culture you are describing. It is possibly the only way that we can begin to build the society you describe. We are beginning to outline our vision if one such experiment, Care Home Farm, on a blog https://alicesuzanneholloway.substack.com/p/care-home-farm-1-the-community?utm_campaign=posts-open-in-app&triedRedirect=true

  4. Andy Dibben avatar
    Andy Dibben

    I have been attending ORFC for over 12 years now, it has always been a light in dark times to me. As a vegetable farmer my life is governed primarily by day length. Winter is a tough time physically and mentally in horticulture. Although the shortest day is technically at the end of December, It is January and February when winter really bites. It is relatively easy to keep crops in healthy amounts and of good quality right into New Year, however the increased demand of the feasting season although good for income, often sees crops picked right back by the beginning of January and those left tend to be passed looking their best due to the ravages of weather and lack of daylight. So the energizing and inspiring effects of ORFC are exactly what I need to give me the boost to get through to March when the unstoppable force of lengthening days sees crops grow back vigorously and soil temperatures start to rise allowing a new cycle to begin.

    The timing of the conference is also perfect for allowing me to reflect on new knowledge and skills showcased in Oxford and then translate and apply them to my system for the fast approaching new season.

    As or more important than new skills showcased is the coming together of people. We are social animals and often farmers live an isolated life. The buzz of bringing people together is palpable at the conference and often the first aspect first time attendees comment on. People from many different walks of life and industries can’t help but interact with a wide range of people they would often not have the opportunity to meet. This meeting of diverse minds is absolutely crucial if a ‘Renaissance’ is to happen.

    It is clear to me that many of the most pressing problems faced by society have been caused by bad farming. Biodiversity collapse has undoubtedly been hugely impacted by habitat loss and agricultural poisons, the calling cards of Industrial agriculture.

    The industrialisation of agriculture has also been a major player in the detachment of society from nature. It is a sad milestone that recently we hit the point where 70% of the world’s population now live in an urban environment. Where a huge workforce used to be required to produce food for the world, the increasing reliance on machines and chemicals in farming has led to a huge movement of people to cities to find work and housing no longer supplied by farming.
    The role of agriculture in climate change is well documented, although in my opinion often overstated and a well delivered smoke screen from the oil barons.

    If farming has been integral in causing these problems then it seems to me that it is also the best placed industry to address them. ORFC demonstrates this beautifully and shows the way forward for farming.

    It is a beacon of hope in dark times, problems appear to be assailing us from all directions currently and hope is the most valuable starting point for finding solutions.

    Long may the conference continue feeding the fires of hope and providing the fertile environment where solutions can be conceived, discussed, perfected and shared.

  5. Scarlett Gingell avatar
    Scarlett Gingell

    The Renaissance we need to find resides Within Our Selves….at the Moral/Metaphysical [this latter word should be renamed “Prephysical”, since the science “is concerned with explaining the ‘Foundation/Source’ of all things”]/Spiritual and temporal.

    I often pick up discarded bottles and cans and take them to the nearest bin. And I often muse: “Does this uncaring attitude reflect a lack of Consciousness (= simply being unaware of things) — or does it, much more profoundly, denote a lack of Conscience (= absence of a deep-seated inner sense of right and wrong)? Presence of Conscience is what Plato sought to teach — the “Guardians” of the Republic being “a metaphor for the ruling presence within the self”, one’s daimon” = divine principle, inner oracle ((Jacob Needleman, The Heart of Philosophy, 1982).

    Googling this subject one day, I came to the article “Conscience and Consciousness: a Definition”, by G. Vithoulkas and D F Muresanu (Journal of Medicine and Life. 2014. March 25;7(1): 104-108). The authors point out that while consciousness has been examined extensively (via philosophy, psychiatry, neuroplasticity…), Conscience, a transcendental aspect of the human mind, remains largely unknown… Conscience is our inherent [though in our culture rarely purposefully cultivated] ability to perceive [Within Our Selves] what is right and what is wrong and, thereby, control, monitor, evaluate and execute our actions. It ranks higher than consciousness, marking each person’s degree of integrity—the means by which we discern Truth [Gandhi: ‘There is no god higher than Truth’].… People who have cultivated themselves to entertain a high level of conscience typically have a higher purpose in life, visions that can inspire others, and a deep-rooted desire to help others and humanity as a whole…”

    Question: Is it not precisely due to decades/centuries of a deplorable lack, not of knowledge/consciousness, but of Recognition of Truth, Conscience—yes, Colin, our “forgetfulness” of who we are—that, e.g., today (online site: We’ve breached Earth’s threshold for chemical pollution, study says, 2022) “the release of artificial chemicals and other human-made pollutants has accelerated to a point that we have crossed a planetary boundary, threatening the entire Earth operating system, along with humanity”…and that AI is developing at breakneck speed—despite the huge, lurking peril it represents? Where is Hindu Vidya, Buddhist Mahaprajna/Mahakaruna, the Bible’s Wisdom…? Isn’t it blindingly obvious that the more we “pursue material wealth” the more appallingly impoverished the ‘supplier of all things’, Nature, becomes?

    What is fundamentally lacking? Adapted extracts from the online interview Spirituality and the Intellect with Jacob Needleman, (2011): “…The Enlightenment ideal identified the highest part of the human as being the thinking faculty. But there’s something much higher…the quest for this being named ‘philosophy’, Love of Truth. This involves a kind of agonizing striving to give Attention to one’s own mind and all its possibilities, to Attend to ‘remembering’, to recollect (Sanskrit ‘Smriti’=divine memory) our dual nature: this is the part of us that partakes of the infinite, of the absolute, of Realization of Truth v. our ordinary physical body and isolated intellect. Everybody human has in themselves the potential for passionate Attention to, fervent enquiry after (=ancient Eros) Truth, which is the transforming force… We must be willing to accept the suffering that comes from having our opinions challenged, ‘blasted’—just as Socrates sought to do among his interlocutors and students, to support their ascent to real VISion, real Knowledge. It is Attention to those higher states of mind that the great masters taught. This is indeed the ultimate purpose of our lives…and every discipline needs to contribute to that….”

    I feel that as long as we are seeking to follow the above path to focusing Attention in order to cultivate and maintain the very highest level of Conscience, Realization of Truth, we will be ever more empowered to help others and humanity as a whole and make that vital Renaissance, that “new Zeitgeist”, happen…fighting for Enlightened Agriculture, Enlightened Progress/Profit/Growth (and not our current hideous distortions of these terms) in an Enlightened World. Let us “BE the change we wish to see” (Gandhi): “The price of failure is, truly, catastrophic”.

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