Here I want to ask three basic questions: 

  1. What kind of future is possible? 
  2. Which of the possibilities would we prefer? 
  3. How can we ensure that we get the kind of future we want? 

The answer to (1) is surely — anything from near-total devastation to a world of convivial societies in harmony with wild nature, which, I have suggested, should be our Goal. Although we seem to be rushing headlong towards devastation, conviviality and global harmony are still just possible. The chances seem slim but the prize is so great and the price of failure is so dreadful that we surely have to take whatever chance there is. There are small reasons for hope after all, and any positive step is better than none at all. 

The answer to (2) is of course that I don’t know but the signs are that most people far prefer conviviality and harmony and the freedom as far as possible to lead their own lives. Those who seek simply to acquire wealth and dominance and/or actively prefer discord and conflict can properly be seen as psychopaths. It is the case, though, alas, that a higher than normal proportion of people in positions of influence are psychopaths by this definition. Why this should be so is discussed above, though I don’t claim to have the complete answer. 

As for (3): well, nothing short of a complete re-think and wholesale re-structuring will do: Renaissance, indeed. 

The point of this website is to abet that re-think; and at least to contribute to the re-structuring by helping to build the necessary critical mass. 

Further thoughts

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Share this article: One of the co-founders of the annual Oxford Real Farming Conference, Colin Tudge, reflects on its phenomenal growth and impact since its tentative launch in January 2010. Does the obvious success of the ORFC reflect a global mindshift? Is this a much-needed “green shoot”? Even if the ORFC folded tomorrow (which heaven … Read more

Four great thinkers whose ideas could save the world

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A people-led renaissance needs people-centred spaces

Share this article: To create the kind of world that could keep humanity and our fellow creatures in good heart we need radical thinking and new ideas. But first, says Jane Powell,  we need to create the conditions — the “space” —  in which the necessary thinking can take place  Discussions of food and farming … Read more

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One response to “Futures”

  1. Bruce Ball avatar
    Bruce Ball

    Hello Colin It’s been some time since we have been in contact. I hope that this finds you and Ruth in good health. I am now retired though I’m still helping with the development of visual evaluation of soil health. I’m now working on illustrating how soil works and how we can learn from it by using my own artworks. I was lucky to find an enlightened art teacher to help. I believe that we can learn so much from soil in terms of developing a harmonious existence – bringing us to the kind of future that you seek. The soil speaks of wholeness, openness, inner richness, wisdom and stability. We all need to connect to it. I’ve published these artworks and ideas in a book that is readily available either as an e-book or in print on Amazon at or (US). It’s called ‘Healing Soil: how soil health will save the planet and us’ and is about the importance of soil health to agriculture and the environment and about how soil can help to heal us by connecting with it physically and spiritually. There’s a big emphasis on agroecology throughout and there’s even a bit on soil theology. I’ve written it in a simple, clear style that is easy to understand by anyone. You can read some of the book on the web site above. I would be grateful if you could publicise it to your colleagues and your College of Real Farming and Food Culture. I’ve attached a flyer as a Powerpoint slide for adding to talks. Best wishes Bruce

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