The Great Re-Think Videos

Radical Thinkers and Doers in their own words

A new series of interviews as webinars and podcasts with people who are contributing directly to the ideas that must drive the much-needed People-led Global Renaissance

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Truly to bring about the Renaissance – the Great Re-Think – we need to be radical in the proper sense of the word – ie to get to the roots of things. So we’ve started an occasional series of free-ranging conversations (roughly one a month) with people from all around the world in all relevant fields from the intricacies of pasture-feeding and permaculture, through the maelstrom of economics and politics, to the wonders (and shortcomings!) of science and the absolute importance of metaphysics – which, alas, has all-but gone missing. 

The series begins with a webinar-cum-podcast with Ann Pettifor, one of the few people in the world who really understand the global economy. And we’ll continue with – well: watch this space!

“Buddhist Economics” for the modern world

E F Schumacher’s book, Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered, was published in 1973 and the world has changed radically since then. But, says Dr Neal Harris in this interview with Colin Tudge, Schumacher’s central message is now more relevant and urgent than ever. Read more…

April 24, 2024

A Small Farm Future – and Say No to a Farm-Free Future!

In this webinar (and podcast), Chris Smaje — author of two highly successful books, Small Farm Future and Say No to a Farm-free Future — discusses his experiences as a small farmer in an unsympathetic economic climate, and his grand ideas for a future, agrarian world.

January 20, 2024 | Go to the podcast

Eat More Beans!

In conversation with Colin Tudge, Josiah Meldrum and Nick Saltmarsh, co-founders of the pioneer company Hodmedod’s, discuss their crusade to raise the profile of the world’s pulses – beans, peas, lentils, chick-peas. They could and should play an even bigger role than they do in the world’s diets – and Britain could and should grow far more of them, in far greater variety. As always, we have much to learn from all the world’s cuisines.

October 27, 2023 | Go to the podcast

How the Global Economy works – or doesn’t

In the first of our new series of conversations with radical thinkers and doers, Colin Tudge talks to economist Ann Pettifor, director of Policy Research In Macroeconomics (PRIME). Ann is one of the few people in the world who really understands how the global economy works – and it doesn’t work in the interests of humanity or the natural world. Read more…

October 3, 2023 | Go to the podcast