
A new bottom line


— and a glimmer of hope. By Colin Tudge Keir Starmer promises change – but the change he is promising is of a very limited kind. Whatever form it takes it will be within the present “neoliberal” economic paradigm: an all-against-all competition with the world at large to increase material wealth, known as “growth”. Within … Read more

The biology of compassion: work in progress


Colin Tudge introduces a new series of blogs on whether and to what extent the insights of modern biology can throw light on matters of morality, and hence on politics and economics  In a nutshell, I want to argue that humanity has been led astray these past few thousand years, and particularly over the last … Read more

Smoked Salmon – off the Christmas Table


With smoked salmon off the table, what will take its place over Christmas?

Morality, reality, and policy


Economic strategies worldwide take precious little account of the world’s real problems, says Colin Tudge  Even at this late hour, we (humanity) might still realistically hope to prevent the world’s final descent from catastrophe into meltdown – provided we took the real problems seriously enough and really were prepared to do, in Rishi Sunak’s bulldog … Read more

Agroecology, food sovereignty and the absolute need for economic democracy


This blog is from a guest contributor, Professor Michel Pimbert of Coventry University — on the corporate takeover of the world’s farming and hence of our food supply, which is increasingly abetted and ratified by governments like ours and even these days by the United Nations. This power-shift is seriously undermining the principles of Agroecology … Read more

Getting the British Pulse Racing Again


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It is exciting to see the revival of ancient pulses, which we were in danger of losing altogether. One strong factor that works in favour of a resurgence in popularity is the general trend towards eating less meat. There are certainly many recipes to choose from.

A webinar with ANN PETTIFOR


One of the few people in the world who really understand the global economy We’re launching a new series of webinars and podcasts with thinkers and doers who really are helping to change the world for the better. We’re focused on Enlightened Agriculture (aka Real Farming) – what it is and why it must become … Read more


Barbequing is the one form of entertaining that seems to be growing in popularity rather than declining. Hospitality seems to come less naturally to us than the Greeks. But can you learn to be a good host?