Is atheism just a fancy name for bigotry?
Atheists commonly claim to be “rationalist” – and so they tend to be. But, says Colin Tudge, they have misunderstood the nature and the limits of rationalism A good friend of mine in an exchange of emails referred to himself self-deprecatingly as a “cranky old irreconcilable atheist”. For my part, I’m not a fully paid-up … Read more
A new bottom line
— and a glimmer of hope. By Colin Tudge Keir Starmer promises change – but the change he is promising is of a very limited kind. Whatever form it takes it will be within the present “neoliberal” economic paradigm: an all-against-all competition with the world at large to increase material wealth, known as “growth”. Within … Read more
Life is a master class in cooperativeness
Competition, beyond doubt, is a fact of life. But, says Colin Tudge, the essence of life is cooperation It almost goes without saying that individuals gain from living in societies, and that all creatures depend to a greater or lesser extent on others of their own kind. Children need their parents. Vultures scavenge more effectively … Read more
The biology of compassion: work in progress
Colin Tudge introduces a new series of blogs on whether and to what extent the insights of modern biology can throw light on matters of morality, and hence on politics and economics In a nutshell, I want to argue that humanity has been led astray these past few thousand years, and particularly over the last … Read more
GUEST EDITORIAL by Professor Tim Gorringe: The Christian attitude to nature
Christian theologian Tim Gorringe argues that “To trash or seek to dominate this Creation is not simply unethical but is ‘the most horrid blasphemy’” In his recent blog “Fellow Creatures” Colin Tudge suggests that the traditional Christian attitude to the natural world is inadequate, not to say flawed. Christians, he says, take their lead from … Read more
Bring back metaphysics, or: The art of the unknowable
The “ultimate questions” Metaphysics asks what many have called “the ultimate questions” – which sounds pretty impressive, and is. But although these metaphysical questions are clearly so important and ever-present, and indeed are at the root and at the heart of all bona fide religions, metaphysics as an independent discipline has largely gone missing. And … Read more