A list of all the articles published on this site
One of the few people in the world who really understand the global economy We’re launching a new series of webinars and podcasts with thinkers and doers who really are helping to change the world for the better. We’re focused on Enlightened Agriculture (aka Real Farming) – what it is and why it must become…
The most serious divide in the present world says Colin Tudge is not between political parties or rival religions or between religion and science but between those who realise the gravity of the world’s present plight and want to do something about it and those who seek primarily to exercize their power and maintain the…
The Labour Leader has shown some encouraging interest in farming of late. But, says Colin Tudge, none of the mainstream parties in the UK takes agriculture seriously enough and none has an agricultural strategy that comes close to meeting our own and the world’s real needs It was good to see Keir Starmer interviewed in…
Is cookery an Art or a Science? Ice cream making is very much at the Science end of the spectrum as a new generation of gelato makers attest.
What is Biodiversity? Who needs it? And why bother? A series of essays on the website which could turn into a rather nice book. “How many goodly creatures are there here!” Miranda from The Tempest (V.i 184-187) It is fashionable to care about the natural world – or at least to pretend that we…
As someone who lives to eat rather than the other way around, I am rather shocked by the rapid rise in serious eating disorders. Summer presents numerous opportunities for making a meal an occasion to remember so lets enjoy them!
A meeting in Bristol next month – “Planet Local Summit” – will discuss the kind of initiatives that are needed if ever we’re to put the world to rights As the world burns and floods and the world’s most powerful people continue to offer more of the same — or else are in denial or…
Many “endangered” foods are still being grown in people’s gardens, however the commercial sources have become extremely scarce. The summer months provide an abundance of examples.
A checklist of the six very big ideas that we need to develop and act upon if we are to save ourselves and the rest of the world from what at the moment looks like an inevitable meltdown. These notes are meant to accompany the new videos – the five conversations on “Real farming, good…
Barbequing is the one form of entertaining that seems to be growing in popularity rather than declining. Hospitality seems to come less naturally to us than the Greeks. But can you learn to be a good host?
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